This week may be short. I am a little crunched for time. It seems a little ironic after what I spoke of last week but I promise I am not stressed, I just have little time to do many things.
My so what this week is what I learned in my MCOM class tonight. (This is what you have been waiting for Professor Middleton). While discussing good presentation skills we learned that a presenter should be sure to focus on their audience rather than themselves. In the moment of presenting they should forget how they look or what people are thinking of them and instead focus on what the experience is like for the audience. Are they getting the message? Are they feeling what you hope they should be feeling? We should put them before us.
So now what? I propose that this philosophy can be applied in all aspects of life. It is a common teaching in The Gospel of Jesus Christ. We need to be selfless. This teaching has just helped me see more clearly the practical applications of this teaching. When I am walking across campus I should think more about what the people I am passing are going through than what I am going through. I should think of the person who just cut in front of me on the highway as a person and not a car. I grew up in a small town where people were people. Moving to a "big town" like Provo I have found that I have fallen into the trap that most people are objects unless they are significant people in my life. My goal this week is to treat all people as people an not objects.
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