Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Unbearable blessings

One of the greatest things about going to BYU, a private school run by the LDS church, is that nearly all the professors take the time to include religious teachings and moral applications to their subject material.  It does not matter what class you are taking, they put some sort of plug in for values or doctrine.  For example, in my biochemistry class my professor likes to take time at the end of every class to tell some sort of anecdotal story at the end of every class period.  The other day he told us about a realization his wife had one time.  He didn't really share what triggered this thought but it made me think and gave me a desire to change.  So this is my "so what."  He said that one day his wife came to the realization that we seem to complain about our blessings a lot.  We have a car and all we do is complain about it breaking down, or having bad gas mileage, or being to small, etc.  When we take the time to think I believe we can all think of some sort of blessing that we have in life that we not only take for granted that we complain about.  I know I have some, and probably many more that I don't even realize.  What a shame.  The Lord blesses us and we complain.  I guess it could be similar to the Israelites complaining about the manna from heaven.  Isn't it just so unbearable to have all these blessings?

"Now what?"  The now what is simple to say, difficult to do.  It comes in two parts.  First of all, take time each day to be aware of the blessings I have been given.  Second, be on the look out whenever I begin to complain.  Ask myself, "Am I complaining about a blessing here?"  If I am then I need to reevaluate my attitude.  I need to start being grateful for what I have rather than resentful.  So, the next time I feel like complaining because my food don't taste quite right I will instead be grateful that I have food.

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