In our time answering who we are can be more difficult than it used to be. We are so globally social that we feel pressure from more fronts than just those who are in front of us. When we are deciding who we are, what we like to do, wear, watch, and think we are constantly being influenced by family, friends, acquaintances, television, movies, internet, and music. Those last four didn't exist less than a hundred years ago. Back then people were taught by their families and friends and became the person a small local society expected them to be. Now we are more diverse. We get the perspective of a global society and see the world through more eyes. This is a good thing when it comes to understanding and cooperation, its a bad thing when it comes to the individual. It becomes much harder to decide who we are when there are so many different forces telling us who we should become. We are told that there is a certain way to dress, talk, walk, dance, eat, think, and just about everything else that is cool and if we don't do things that way we are not "cool." It can be had because we want to fit in, but what are we willing to give up to fit in? We should take the time to make sure that we act instead of being acted upon. God gave us agency, why then do we voluntarily give up that agency to society when we say, "I want to fit in and be cool, tell me who I am." Let's keep our agency and be who we want to be. Forgot about what others think. There are enough people in this world and enough ways to connect that you can find people who are like you without changing to meet expectations.
Now what?
Practical application. I am going to take more time to observe myself. I will take time to ponder who I am and what my values are. What do I like to do? What do I enjoy? Who am I? Then, I will find things that I do that are not me and I will change them. I will act how I want to act.
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